Our team is comprised of independent highly-skilled professionals working in a collaborative and participative manner who are thrilled at their peers’ success, envisioning the success of the whole group.
We are happy to have an atmosphere of harmony in which our professionals are fully integrated. And it is this spirit that leads us to pursue excellence continuously and connects our lawyers, paralegals, executives, economists and service providers, who are constantly seeking to perform their tasks in an excellent manner.
Fernando Carlos Luz Moreira
Lawyer | OAB/SP 102.385
Brunno Luz Moreira
Lawyer | OAB/SP 375.448
Lisângela Jaqueto
Lawyer | OAB/SP 189.012
Camila Abolafio
Lawyer | OAB/SP 203.614
Leonardo Ramos
Lawyer | OAB/SP 252.901
Rafael Rotundo
Lawyer | OAB/SP 240.064
Rita Arroteia
Lawyer | OAB/SP 93.353
João Pedro Piotto
Lawyer | OAB/SP 445.603
Support Staff
Alexandre Neves
Financial Assistant
Carlos Aigner
Fernando Gomide
Letícia Ferreira
Administrative Assistant